The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power (Season One: Amazon Original Series Soundtrack) - [B.O/OST]

B.O/OST 12-09-2022, 19:25

The Lord of the Rings - The Rings of Power (Season One Amazon Original Series Soundtrack) MP3.rar

The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power (Season One: Amazon Original Series Soundtrack)
Label Amazon
Nombre de pistes 37
Genre OST

1. The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power Main Title - Howard Shore (1:34)
2. Galadriel (3:44)
3. Khazad-dûm (3:21)
4. Nori Brandyfoot (2:50)
5. The Stranger (5:04)
6. Númenor (4:32)
7. Sauron (2:46)
8. Valinor (2:40)
9. In the Beginning (7:50)
10. Elrond Half-elven (3:24)
11. Durin IV (3:05)
12. Harfoot Life (2:22)
13. Bronwyn and Arondir (2:48)
14. Halbrand (2:56)
15. The Boat (4:09)
16. Sundering Seas (2:42)
17. Nobody Goes Off Trail (4:26)
18. Elendil and Isildur (4:17)
19. White Leaves (4:43)
20. The Secrets of the Mountain (3:50)
21. Nolwa Mahtar (2:03)
22. Nampat (2:35)
23. A Plea to the Rocks (3:48) - ft. Sophia Nomvete
24. This Wandering Day (2:11) - ft. Megan Richards
25. Scherzo for Violin and Swords (1:53)
26. Sailing into the Dawn (4:19)
27. For the Southlands (4:33)
28. Cavalry (4:07)
29. Water and Flame (3:30)
30. In the Mines (8:15)
31. The Veil of Smoke (5:00)
32. The Mystics (7:55)
33. Perilous Whisperings (2:42)
34. The Broken Line (5:56)
35. Wise One (8:45)
36. True Creation Requires Sacrifice (5:52)
37. Where the Shadows Lie (3:05)

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